Historical records confirm that there was a Jew named Jesus [of Nazareth] who performed great works while he walked the terrain of Judea, a Roman province in Palestine. 1st Century Greco-Roman Historian, Titus Flavius Josephus [AD37 to AD100] wrote about Jesus, calling him The Christ, a word carrying the meaning of "The Messiah", "The Annointed One", "The Promised One." Josephus was no Apostle or disciple of Jesus; his interest was the scholarly observation, research and recording of historical facts. Josephus was born at a time when the Roman authorities as well as the Jewish Sanhedrin were still looking for signs of the One whom it was said resurrected from the grave. There was still a buzz about Jerusalem at the time young Josephus grew up. It was also the time when Rome "embraced, subsumed, and doused" Christianity in an attempt to stamp out this "threat" to their political empire.
Christian and secular literature on the life of Jesus abound on his habit of quoting passages from what we now call the Old Testament. Jesus said, "Think not that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets......" If Jesus is the Son of God, and he relied on the content of the Old Testament [this was the Scriptures at that time] for guidance and wisdom, there is much learning for us in those same writings. It is for this and other reasons we bring to you the Word of God via this medium.